raise your children's confidence and let them meet new friends With Moore Martial Arts

  • Increase their Discipline & Focus

  • Develop their social skills

  • Strengthen their Self Defense Abilities and Confidence

Secure Your Children's First Lesson Before Spots Are Gone 👇

Only $29 for 2 weeks

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**So we can give every child the attention and focus they need, this special is limited to only 12 new students.

**So we can give every child the attention and focus they need, this special is limited to only 12 new students.

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The Main Ways Moore Martial Arts Will Set Your Children Up For Success:



Belt testing provides an excellent exercise for kids to learn how to set and achieve goals.

Their self-esteem will continue to rise with each accomplishment as they witness their hard work pay off.



Complex physical activities, such as martial arts, have proven to strengthen the brain's neural networks, helping kids improve their focus and self-control. This can be especially beneficial for kids with ADD/ADHD.



The traditional nature of martial arts teaches kids respect in their classes, whether they are taking a bow or waiting patiently for the next set of instructions.

This sense of respect also helps kids improve their grades, while improving their listening skills at home and in school.

Secure Your Children's First Lesson Before Spots Are Gone 👇

Only $29 for 2 weeks

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

**So we can give every child the attention and focus they need, this special is limited to only 12 new students.

Our studio is more than a place to learn kicks and punches.

It's a community where your children will learn to stand strong in the face of challenges, both on and off the mat.

Our classes offer a journey back to the core values that matter: hard work, persistence, and the kind of confidence that screens can never give.

We are currently offering the first two weeks for only $29, so you can see for yourself the difference we can make in your children’s lives.

There is not any type of violence or physical risk, and you can even watch them while they are in class ):

**So we can give every child the attention and focus they need, this special is limited to only 12 new students.

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Got Any Questions? Here Are The Answers!

What age groups are available for Kids Martial Arts?

Our Cubs Class is non-stop fun for ages 4-6 learning through obstacle courses and games. 

Our older class is for all ages including parents learning and bonding with their children.

Will My Child Become A Bully?

No, it’s just the opposite.

As they learn to respect their classmates and work as a team, your kids will develop social skills and respect towards others, rather than using their abilities in a bad way.

Asstudents experience humility in their martial arts training they also gain self-confidence and learn different ways to navigate bad situations that they may encount

I love all the benefits, but will my kid have fun?

Great Question. Moore Martial Arts is a blast and learning some things brings out that wonderful gasp of “WOW!”  In the process all children will gain a framework of discipline and focus to help them improve every day.

Do children need to have previous experience orany particular fitness level to enroll in martial arts?

No, our classes are specifically designed to meet your children’s needs at all fitness levels. Beginners train alongside some of the more experienced children, helping develop the social skills and training both need in a fun team environment.

What Do I Need For My First Martial Arts Class?

The most important thing to bring is a desire to have fun and learn something new!  The best way to do that is in comfortable clothes they can freely move around in and be sure to bring a bottle of water too. 

Are Parents Allowed To Watch?

We encourage parents to be with their children during martial arts classes. 

You can either learn and bond with your children on the mat or watch all their moments of joy, challenges and success from the padded seats next to the mat.

**So we can give every child the attention and focus they need, this special is limited to only 12 new students.

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